Hey, I'm Connor! 👨🏻‍💻

I'm an experienced Software Developer, the owner of Random State, and the CTO @ Contingens. I have in-depth knowledge of Laravel and Vue.js, and night and day you can expect that I'm fine-tuning my skills to make sure I know what I'm doing in a crisis. I work remotely from my rural home near North Berwick, East Lothian. 🌅

What I've worked on

  • data mining projects that scaled up to hundreds of servers, utilising redis, selenium and squid proxy
  • proxied account signup marketing platform to optimise signups for brands
  • real-time employee safety monitoring platform in Laravel & rewrite of iOS app
  • real-time messaging CRM sorta like intercom
  • shopify store translation app
  • event-sourced security intelligence platform

Favourite tech & practices

  • PHP
  • Vue.js
  • MySQL
  • AWS
  • Kubernetes (AKA. k8s)
  • Git
  • JavaScript ES6
  • TailwindCSS
  • InertiaJS
  • Webpack & Laravel Mix
  • Gitlab & Semaphore CI/CD
  • Docker
  • TDD


  • Software Development (obviously?)
  • UI Design
  • Entrepreneurship & Bootstrapping
  • Reading

My Tools

  • PHPStorm
  • VSCode
  • Whimsical (wireframing & flow digrams)
  • Notion
  • ClickUp (but actively looking for, or to build, a replacement)
  • Sketch

Open Source

I now have too many open source projects to embed here. See my personal GitHub or my work GitHub for some of my projects. 💪